ASID signs WSPID Call to Action for Ensuring Fair Prices for All Vaccines for All Countries with Limited Resources

ASID is a proud signatory of The World Society for Pediatric Infectious Diseases (WSPID) call to governments and international organisations around the world to address vaccine price as a matter of urgency.

ASID’s Chair of the Vaccination Special Interest Group (VACSIG) Professor Fiona Russell has championed WSPID’s call to action saying it was necessary “to protect the lives of present and future generations through global, equitable access to affordable vaccines.”

“Unaffordable vaccines and its impacts are a global issue, especially for low-middle income countries (LMICs), and requires a global solution,” she said.

The widespread availability of vaccines has revolutionised public health, leading to substantial reductions in morbidity and mortality worldwide. However, the persistent and alarming gap in vaccine access between affluent and disadvantaged populations remains a major challenge.

Vaccine price should not be a barrier to vaccine introduction and the sustainability of immunization programs. WSPID is calling for the urgent need to ensure fair pricing for all vaccines to ensure they will be “global public goods.”

Addressing the systemic issue of unaffordable vaccine prices requires a comprehensive, multi-stakeholder approach – hence the call to professional associations, non-profits, civil society, and individuals to sign the Call to Action.

The Call to Action will be officially launched during the WSPID congress in Durban, South Africa, on 17 November 2023. Read more about the Call to Action and express your support.


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